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North County Newcomers Club

Putting Down Roots

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Welcome to the North County Newcomers!  If you are new to the neighborhood, excited to live in California's beautiful Central Coast, and eager to share it with other newcomers, you have come to the right place.

North County Newcomers Club (NCNC) is a nonprofit social organization that’s all about
events and activities to bring new friends together through shared interests. Membership is open to those residing in San Luis Obispo’s North County less than four years.

We invite you to explore our site and join the fun. We guarantee you’ll build friendships to last a lifetime. Click About Us to learn more, and you can apply anytime online by clicking Join Now.

Members can get the Newsletter, member directory and other club information by clicking Members when you are logged in to the site.  


Hello Newcomers!

Good News!  I’m very happy to report that it’s almost Spring!  Yeah!  

I love the warmer days, and all of the greenery.  Just need to get through a few short rain spells here and there.   

I’m feeling the need for some early spring cleaning - well metaphorically speaking……

I’m trying to clean out the cobwebs in my brain. One of the subjects I’ve been mulling around for a bit is inclusiveness. Not the stuff you hear about on the news right now, but inclusiveness among us. Let’s be sure to show support to our newest members.

One of my goals this year is to get to know more of you! 

I’m trying to move out of my comfy inner circle and spend time with more of our members. I am forever grateful that I was able to make such great friends here, but I’d like to mingle more!  I’d like to invite you to follow along with me!  Remember your first event?  Think about how hard it was for you to get yourself to that first meeting!  Introducing yourself to people you don’t know can be intimidating.

At your next meet up, take a new newcomer aside and get to know them.

You might talk to someone new at our monthly meeting, but in all likelihood, it’s going to be at an activity. Break the ice with someone new at wine club. Offer them a seat at your table. Get those newbies a prime seat at the lunch brunch. Add the new guy to your threesome in golf.  Who knows, you might be meeting your next best friend! 

We all know how hard it is to make new friends at our age! 

So be kind, smile, and laugh with everyone! I’m especially counting on you, Alumni!  You have been here in the North County for more than six years, so you have the inside scoop for all things North County. Share the wealth.

Thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts, and I’ll see you at the March Member Mixer at Pear Valley Winery.

Debbie Gazay

NCNC President 2024-2025

Save the Date April General Meeting Wednesday - April 2nd
Buffet Luncheon at Cambria Pines Lodge
(See the newsletter for more information Invitations scheduled to be sent to Active Members on March 8th and Alumni on March 15th)

Take your choice. We have member activities for nearly any hobby or interest imaginable. And if we don't have a group for it, you can start one!

  • Creative: Book Groups, Photography, Zentangle and more
  • Games:  Bridge, Mexican Train, Canasta, Bunco & many others
  • Active Indoor & Outdoor: Golf, Hiking, Biking, Car and Motorcycle groups, and Yoga to name a few
  • Social: Dinner on the Town, At Home Happy Hour Groups, Out to Lunch Bunch, Singles on the Go plus more

Some activities have set dates and possibly times; others are set by the individual groups. Members can participate in as many activities or as few activities as they choose. Please note these activities are open to active members and alumni only. Click Activities to see all the activities available!

North County Newcomers Club
PO Box 4512
Paso Robles CA 93447

© 2024 North County Newcomers Club - No content may be reproduced without written permission

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